Welcome at Buitenhof
OLVG GP practice
We are open for new patients:
In order to continue to serve you well, we are open for patients living less then 10 minutes bicycle distances from the practice.
Shortages in personnel
Due to unavailability of doctor’s assistents we will not be able tot welcome you at our frontdesk.
If you have an appointment you can wait in the waiting-room for the doctor to call you in. For questions and making appointments you can reach us by telephone of through our online platform MijnGezondheid.net or the MedGemak+ app.
Lunch break
Due to consultation and lunch break, we are only available for emergencies between 12:00 and 13:00. Would you be so kind as to take this into account?
Huisartsenpraktijk Buitenhof is located in Amsterdam Oost.
Our doctors clinic is linked to OLVG Oost and consists of two separate GP practices
Huisartsenpraktijk Noort, Beugel, Bont, Wilbrink
Mw. C. Beugel
Dhr. B.J. Noort
Mw. J. Bont
Mw. A.K. Wilbrink
Huisartsenpraktijk Wewerinke, Geersing, v/d Vijver
Mw. A. Wewerinke
Dhr. S. van de Vijver
Dhr. G.J. Geersing
You’ll be a patient of either of these GP offices. All doctors work part-time and will not be at the office every day. If your doctor is not present one of his/her colleagues will help you.
The office will charge patients if they don’t show up for their appointments.